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Welcome!  The International Society of Chemical Ecology (ISCE) is organized exclusively for scientific purposes, and specifically to promote the understanding of interactions between organisms and their environment that are mediated by naturally occurring chemicals. Research areas include the chemistry, biochemistry and function of natural products, their importance at all levels of ecological organization, their evolutionary origin, and their practical application.

Interested in joining?  Visit our membership page for details!
Annual Meeting: Stockholm, Sweden
Image of Sweden
The 31st annual meeting of the ISCE will be held in Stockholm at the Aula Magna auditorium of Stockholm University’s campus. The meeting will take place from from 29 June - 3 July 2015 and is graciously hosted by Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson and Christer Löfstedt.

The scientific program will cover the great diversity of the chemical ecology research today and will feature symposia that examine interactions among diverse taxa and new techniques for identifying the active molecules behind the interactions. Additional details will be announced here as the meeting draws closer, but for the most current information, please see the the official meeting website.
Recent News

30 March 2015:

The Erb Laboratory at the University of Bern is seeking a doctoral student to study the chemical interactions among maize, corn rootworm, and entomopathogenic nematodes. [view listing]

4 March 2015:

The 2015-6 ISCE elections are underway! Please review the candidates in the first issue of the 2015 newsletter and then click here to cast your ballot.

3 March 2015:

A postdoctoral research position is available with the Pheromone Group at Lund University to study the chemical ecology of clover weevils. [view listing]

2 March 2015:

Postdoctoral fellowships are available to study chemical signals and disease at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna. [view listing]

28 February 2015:

A postdoctoral position is available in the Kubanek lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology to study molecular mechanisms that organisms use to sense chemical signals in the environment. [view listing]

24 February 2015:

The graduate course in chemical ecology (ICE15) will be held in Alnarp, Sweden from June 8-19, 2015. Please visit the course website for more information and contacts for registration.

19 February 2015:

A postdoctoral research position is available at King Saud University to study the chemical ecology of red palm weevil. [view listing]

18 February 2015:

Please note that March 2, 2015 is the deadline to submit proposals for symposia for the 25th International Congress of Entomology (25-30 September, 2016). Details can be found at the ICE 2016 website.

See more in the news archives.