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12 February 2015:

The Jena School for Microbial Communication invites applications for fourteen doctoral research fellowships. [view listing]

9 January 2015:

Congratulations to ISCE member and former president Jeremy McNeil, who has been named to the Order of Canada, the second highest civilian honor in that country.


31 December 2014:

The Department of Entomology at Pennsylvania State University requests applications for a tenure-track professorship in plant-insect interactions and chemical ecology. [view listing]

15 December 2014:

A postdoctoral position is available in the Ali lab at Michigan State University to investigate plant-insect-nematode interactions. [view listing]

17 November 2014:

The Teale lab at the State University of New York is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to identify chemical attractants of an invasive parasitic fly in the Galapagos. [view listing]

4 November 2014:

A postdoctoral position is available through the Sophia Agrobiotech Institute and the Chemical Institute of Nice to study the chemical ecology of plant/parasitoid interactions. [view listing]

29 October 2014:

A postdoctoral position is available with the USDA ARS Invasive Insect Biocontrol and Behavior Laboratory to study the chemical ecology and management of the brown marmorated stink bug. [view listing]

24 October 2014:

The Lindroth and Kruger labs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are seeking a PhD student to study the chemical ecology of herbivore defense in aspen trees. [view listing]

3 October 2014:

The third issue of the 2014 ISCE newsletter is published and available for viewing online!

2 October 2014:

Purdue University invites applications for five assistant professor positions in plant biology and molecular agriculture. [view listing]

18 September 2014:

The Department of Plant Pathology at The Ohio State University seeks applicants for an assistant professorship in the biochemistry of plant pathogenesis. [view listing]

8 September 2014:

A photo gallery is now available for the 2014 ISCE-CSiV meeting in Champaign-Urbana, USA. Thanks to ISCE member Jeremy McNeil for his photographic contribution!

29 August 2014:

The Department of Biology at the University of Louisville invites applications for a tenure-track position in chemical ecology at the assistant professor level. [view listing]

8 August 2014:

The Faculty of Biology/Chemistry at the University of Osnabrück is seeking an internationally recognized individual with research focus in chemical ecology. [view listing]

1 August 2014:

The 3rd Congress of ALAEQ (Latin American Association of Chemical Ecologists) will be held in Bogotá, Colombia, from November 18-21, 2014. Further information may be found at the official meeting website.

30 June 2014:

The University of Neuchâtel, in partnership with CABI Europe-Switzerland, is launching a Masters of Advanced Studies in Integrated Crop Management in March 2015. The masters focuses on agriculture in developing countries. Please visit the website for information on the program and available scholarships.

20 June 2014:

The second issue of the 2014 ISCE newsletter is published and available for viewing online!

11 June 2014:

A full time Assistant/Associate Research Entomologist or Chemical Ecologist position is available in the R&D Department of Sterling International, Inc. [view listing]

20 May 2014:

A postdoctoral fellowship is available immediately at l'Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte (IRBI) for research on the pheromones of subterranean termites. [view listing]

7 May 2014:

The Zarbin lab at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil, is seeking two postdoctoral fellows to study synthetic chemistry and the chemical ecology of insect-plant interactions. [view listing]

6 May 2014:

The ICE3 initiative at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is recruiting postdocs in three projects involving the chemical ecology of oviposition and host selection. [view listing]

23 April 2014:

The 3rd International Glucosinolate Conference will be held in Wageningen, The Netherlands, from 12-15 October 2014. Please visit the meeting website for more information.

16 April 2014:

The 27th International Conference on Polyphenols & 8th Tannin Conference will take place September 2-6, 2014 in Nagoya, Japan. For more information, please visit the conference web site.

15 April 2014:

The University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, is seeking applicants to head the biochemistry laboratory in the Department of Integrative Biology and Evolution. [view listing]

18 March 2014:

The first issue of the 2014 ISCE newsletter is published and available for viewing online!

19 February 2014:

The Jena School for Microbial Communication invites applications for 9 doctoral researcher positions. [view listing]

11 February 2014:

The Schal lab at North Carolina State University is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to study insect semiochemistry, including oviposition attractants for mosquitoes and sand flies. [view listing]

6 February 2014:

The Department of Biology at Kalamazoo College is seeking candidates specialized in plant biology, entomology, or plant-insect interactions for a 1-year visiting professorship. [view listing]

30 January 2014:

The Jean-Marie Delwart Foundation is accepting nominations for the Within and Between Plant Communication award, a $10,000 prize recognizing individual or collective works of science. For further information, please view the award announcement.

29 January 2014:

The Bio-Protection Research Centre of New Zealand is seeking a PhD student to study the suitability of using biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for improved border biosecurity. [view listing]

20 January 2014:

The Department of Biology at Lund University will host the Sensory Ecology course from 21 September - 4 October 2014. For more information, please visit the course website.

19 January 2014:

The group of Dr. Gerrit Joop at Giessen University is recruiting two doctoral students for projects involving secretions and chemical defenses of insects. [view listing]

13 January 2014:

We are pleased to announce the Early Career Award in Chemical Ecology, which will be awarded annually to an emerging leader in chemical ecology and honor cutting-edge research that will influence the future direction of the field. The award is intended for researchers within 8 years of obtaining their PhD and the awardee will present a lecture at the annual ISCE conference. Further information regarding the award and nomination procedures are available in the Early Career Award section.

10 January 2014:

ISCE is now accepting applicants for student travel awards to the 2014 International Chemical Ecology Conference! Applicants must be graduate students or early-career postdoctoral researchers and members of the society. Further information and application materials are available in our student awards section.


9 December 2013:

Congratulations to ISCE member and former president Paulo Zarbin, who has been awarded the National Prize on Chemical Ecology at the recent Brazilian Meeting on Chemical Ecology!

4 December 2013:

The Center for Chemical Ecology at Pennsylvania State University will be hosting a short course in insect chemical ecology (ICE 14) that will be conducted from June 1-15, 2014. For registration and further information, please visit the course website.

2 December 2013:

The third ISCE newsletter of 2013 is now online and available for viewing!

5 November 2013:

A postdoctoral position is available through the University of Neuchâtel to study consequences of parasitoid-mediated apparent competition between herbivores of maize and lima bean in Mexico. [view listing]

4 November 2013:

The Biology Department of Notre Dame of Maryland University proposes to hire a full-time, tenure-track, associate professor with a specialty as an ecological biochemist. [view listing]

1 October 2013:

The Jena School for Microbial Communication invites applications for 11 doctoral researcher fellowships on several topics in Natural and Life Sciences. [view listing]

17 September 2013:

The program guide and abstracts from the 2013 International Chemical Ecology Conference are now available online from our list of past meetings.

4 September 2013:

Two postdoctoral positions are available at the University of Copenhagen to study the structures, evolution, and ecological significance of saponins produced by cruciferous plants. [view listing]

30 August 2013:

A postdoctoral position is available in the Williamson laboratory at UC Davis to investigate the chemicals mediating root-knot nematode targeting to host roots [view listing].

29 August 2013:

A postdoctoral position is open in the labs of Joanne Yew and Antónia Monteiro to study the type and spatial distribution of cuticular lipids on the wings of seasonal polyphenic Bicyclus anynana butterflies [view listing].

30 July 2013:

The Department of Chemistry at Kalamazoo College invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Organic Chemistry [view listing].

22 July 2013:

The second issue of the 2013 ISCE newsletter is published and available for viewing online!

22 July 2013:

The Erbilgin lab at the University of Alberta is seeking a doctoral student to study how the chemical defenses of jack pine affect colonization by mountain pine beetle [view listing].

3 July 2013:

The Gordon Research Conference on Plant Volatiles will be held in Ventura, CA from 26-31 January, 2014. For more information, please visit the official website.

18 June 2013:

A postdoctoral research position is available in the laboratory of Jules Silverman to study cockroach behavioral and nutritional ecology. [view listing]

7 May 2013:

The first issue of the 2013 ISCE newsletter is published and available for viewing online!

24 April 2013:

Congratulations to member and former ISCE president Jerrold Meinwald, who has been awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry for his pioneering work leading to the establishment of the field of chemical ecology!

19 April 2013:

The Jena School for Microbial Communication invites applications for twelve doctoral researcher positions, spanning a wide variety of topics in natural and life sciences. [view listing]

15 April 2013:

The mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), a longtime target of chemical ecology research, is now the first major forest pest to enter the genomic era. Information on the draft genome is available in the journal Genome Biology.

7 March 2013:

ISCE is now accepting applicants for student travel awards to the 2013 International Chemical Ecology Conference! Applicants must be graduate students or early-career postdoctoral researchers and members of the society. Further information and application materials are available in our student awards section.

4 March 2013:

CABI and the University of Neuchatel are seeking a doctoral student to study how host suitability of the weevil Ceutorhynchus cardariae is influenced by secondary plant chemistry [view listing].

14 February 2013:

The international graduate course "Semiochemicals in pest control and conservation biology" will be held in Lund, Sweden from 5-15 November, 2013. Please visit the course website for further details.

6 January 2013:

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Drs. Thomas Kursar and Phyllis Coley to analyze secondary metabolites of the tropical tree genus Inga. [view listings]


21 December 2012:

The Division of Chemical Ecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is seeking a professor of chemical ecology with emphasis on disease vectors. Additionally, the university has extended its application deadline for two postdoctoral positions focusing on how host plant volatiles mediate attraction in the cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera littoralis. [view listings]

16 December 2012:

Congratulations to ISCE member and former president Walter Leal for his recent election to the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

7 December 2012:

The third issue of the 2012 ISCE newsletter is published and available for viewing online! Please click here to view, or visit our newsletter archives.

15 November 2012:

A reminder to all our members that the meeting of the Latin American Association of Chemical Ecology (ALAEQ) will be held in Argentina from December 2-6. For more information, please view the meeting website.

14 November 2012:

The Department of Entomology at Cornell University is seeking an Assistant Professor to develop a research program on the ecology of soil arthropods [view listing].

30 October 2012:

New! Search the membership of the ISCE by name, institution, or country. Click here or select under the Membership tab.

28 October 2012:

A postdoctoral position is available in the Schal lab at North Carolina State University. Research will focus on semiochemicals of insects, including sex and aggregation pheromones of cockroaches and bed bugs, and oviposition attractants in mosquitoes and sand flies. [view listing]

21 October 2012:

An assistantship is available in the Sorensen lab at the University of Minnesota to support a PhD student interested in the role of chemical cues and pheromones in the movement patterns, orientation and chemical ecology of fishes. [view listing]

8 October 2012:

The University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, invites applications for a position of Assistant Professor in Medical Entomology. The appointee is expected to establish a research program in parasite-vector-host interactions with emphasis on mechanisms involved in host location, acceptance, and feeding. [view listing]

21 September 2012:

The Schiestl lab at the Institute of Systematic Botany/University of Zürich is seeking a half-time technical assistant to conduct lab work, instruct students, and assist with field work. [view listing]

12 September 2012:

A reminder to our members that the Gordon Research Conference on Plant-Herbivore Interactions (Feb. 24 - Mar. 1, 2013, in Ventura, California, USA) is accepting applications for attendance.

10 September 2012:

Congratulations to Professor John Pickett, who was awarded a Certificate of Distinction at the recent International Congress of Entomology.

7 September 2012:

The ISCE has launched a new website! For comments and questions about the new site design, please contact webmaster (at)

6 September 2012:

A reminder to our members that the IOBC/WPRS Working Group, "Pheromones and other semiochemicals in integrated production", will host a conference on semiochemicals in Bursa, Turkey from October 1-5, 2012. See the meeting website for further details.

24 August 2012:

A postdoctoral fellowship is available at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp, Sweden, to study chemical ecology of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. [view listing]

22 August 2012:

A postdoctoral position is available in the Cardé lab at the University of California, Riverside to study the semiochemically-mediated orientation of female mosquitoes. [view listing]

15 June 2012:

We are pleased to announce that ICE-12, the international chemical ecology workshop, will be held from November 26 through December 7 at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany. Please view this announcement (PDF format) for more details.

14 June 2012:

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) in Jena, Germany, invites applications for 6 PhD fellowships focusing on the exploration of ecological interactions with molecular and chemical techniques. Fellowships begin in January 2013; please visit the IMPRS website for more details. (position closed)

11 June 2012:

A postdoctoral position is available in the Salminen lab (University of Turku, Finland) to study the distribution and ecological relevance of polyphenols in plants. (position closed)

9 May 2012:

The Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany invites applications for a postdoctoral position in plant-microbe interactions in the Department of Molecular Ecology. (position closed)

26 April 2012:

Expressions of interest are sought for a PhD opportunity to study the environmental behavior of fruit fly lures in the Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. (position closed)

26 April 2012:

The Department of Biology at Lund University (Lund, Sweden) is seeking applicants for positions of Professor and Senior Lecturer in animal physiology. (position closed)

25 March 2012:

International members may now renew membership through credit card. Please visit the membership page to renew!