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Current Councilors of the ISCE

2014-2017 Term

Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Elisabeth J. Eilers
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Patrizia d’Ettorre
University Paris 13, Paris
Astrid T. Groot
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Rensen Zeng
Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China
Birgit Piechulla
University of Rostock, Germany
Image of ISCE Councilor
Stefan Schulz
Technical Universität Braunschweig, Germany

2013-2016 Term

Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Julia Kubanek
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Stefan Dötterl
University of Salzburg, Austria
Caroline Nieberding
Academie Louvain, Belgium
Teun Dekker
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Alex Il'Ichev
Dept. Primary Industries, Australia
Image of ISCE Councilor
Ring Cardé
U. California, Riverside, USA

2012-2015 Term

Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Image of ISCE Councilor
Matthias Erb
Max Planck Institure for Chemical Ecology, Germany
Robert A. Raguso
Cornell University, USA
Ann M. Ray
Xavier University, USA
Junwei (Jerry) Zhu
Paulo Zarbin
Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil