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Early Career Award in Chemical Ecology

The ISCE Early Career Award recognizes cutting edge research in any area of chemical ecology performed by the new generation of scientists. The award is intended for researchers within 8 years after obtaining their PhD and includes a lecture at the annual ISCE conference in the same year. The travel, accomodation,and conference fee will be covered by the ISCE. An applicant can be self-nominated or nominated by another ISCE member, but must have been a member of the ISCE for at least one year. The selection will be performed by the council and executive board of the ISCE and the applicants will be informed on the outcome prior to the early bird registration deadline of the annual conference.

2015 Early Career Award

Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2015 award! Please review the most recent newsletter [Vol. 31:3] for details. The deadline for submissions is January 31st, 2015.

Recipients of the ISCE Early Career Award

Sergio Rasmann