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Other ISCE Honors

Honorary Life Membership

ISCE bylaws state that the designation "Honorary Member" is an award of recognition bestowed on members who have made significant contributions to the activity and advancement of the Society. Honorary Members are entitled to all the privileges of regular members for life, and shall be exempt from payment of dues. Any member can nominate a person for Honorary membership, but each Honorary Member must be approved by the Executive Committee and Council. It will be the usual procedure for the President to announce new Honorary Members at an Annual Meeting of the Society.

Honorary Life Members of the ISCE

  • Robert M. (Milt) Silverstein
  • John Simeone
  • Jim Nation

Outstanding Service Awards

  • 2001: Jim Nation and David Jones, for their service as editors of the Journal of Chemical Ecology.
  • 2006: Wittko Francke for his service to the International Society of Chemical Ecology.