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Science Club

Below are filmed lectures on chemical ecology presented by members of the ISCE. If you would like to submit a lecture to be included on the ISCE website, please contact the current ISCE webmaster, Rob Mitchell.
"Structure Elucidation without NMR"
added 5 August 2014

Stefan Schulz
Institute of Organic Chemistry
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Intro slide from Schulz talk
"Chemical Lessons from Bacteria"
added 10 January 2014

Jon Clardy
Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Harvard Medical School
Intro slide from Clardy Talk
"Pheromone Production in Bark Beetles"
added 23 March 2011

Gary Blomquist
Professor and Department Chair
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Nevada, Reno
Intro slide from Blomquist Talk
"Insect Semiochemicals: Structural Principles and Evolution"
added 15 December 2010

Wittko Francke
Institute of Organic Chemistry
University of Hamburg, Germany
Intro slide from Francke Talk